



  • 2022年5月22日


    As a copy editor, one of the key elements of SEO is to ensure that your content is relevant and informative to your target audience. When it comes to legal issues, such as the difference between quasi contract and contract, it`s important to provide clear and concise information that is easy to understand.

    A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties. It is a written or verbal agreement that specifies the terms and conditions under which the parties are obliged to perform their respective obligations. Contracts can be created for a wide range of transactions, from purchasing goods and services to leasing property or employment agreements.

    On the other hand, a quasi contract is an implied-in-law contract, also known as a constructive or implied contract. In a quasi contract, there is no express agreement between parties, but the court imposes obligations on them to prevent unjust enrichment or harm. In other words, the court assumes that a contract exists based on the parties` conduct or circumstances.

    For example, if a contractor provides services to a property owner without a written or verbal agreement, the court may assume that a quasi contract exists based on the nature of the work and the expectation of payment. The property owner would be obliged to pay the contractor for the services provided, even though there was no formal agreement.

    The key difference between a contract and a quasi contract is the nature of the agreement. A contract is a formal agreement between parties, while a quasi contract is an implied obligation imposed by the court to prevent unjust enrichment or harm.

    In conclusion, understanding the difference between a contract and a quasi contract is important for anyone involved in legal transactions. While a contract is a formal agreement between parties, a quasi contract is an implied obligation that the court imposes to prevent unjust enrichment or harm. As a professional, providing accurate and informative content on legal issues such as this can help readers better understand legal terminology and improve their decision-making skills.

  • 2022年5月20日


    The Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) is an academic program that allows students to transfer credits earned at a community college in Michigan to a four-year university in the state. The program was designed to help students save time and money on their education, while ensuring that they receive a high-quality education and are on track to earn a bachelor`s degree.

    The MTA was established in 2014 and requires students to complete at least 30 credit hours of coursework that meets the requirements of the program. This coursework includes classes in English, mathematics, social science, natural science, and humanities, with a focus on critical thinking and written communication skills.

    One of the key benefits of the MTA is that it helps students save money on their education. Community college tuition is generally lower than four-year university tuition, so students who complete the MTA program can save a significant amount of money on their education. Additionally, students who complete the MTA program are more likely to be accepted into the four-year university of their choice, which can lead to better job opportunities after graduation.

    The MTA program also helps students stay on track to earning a bachelor`s degree. By completing the required coursework, students are guaranteed to have met the general education requirements for most bachelor`s degree programs in Michigan. This means that they can focus on their major coursework when they transfer to the four-year university, rather than having to complete additional general education classes.

    To take advantage of the MTA program, students should plan their coursework carefully and work closely with their academic advisor. It`s important to make sure that the classes chosen meet the requirements of the program and that the credits earned will transfer to the desired four-year university.

    In conclusion, the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) is an excellent program for students looking to save time and money on their education while ensuring they receive a high-quality education. By completing the required coursework, students can transfer to a four-year university in Michigan with confidence, knowing that they have met the general education requirements for most bachelor`s degree programs. With careful planning and the help of an academic advisor, students can take advantage of the MTA program and achieve their academic and career goals.

  • 2022年5月19日


    When it comes to making changes to a written agreement, it`s important to have a formal process in place to ensure that all parties involved are on the same page. One of the most commonly used tools for making changes to a written agreement is the “written agreement change form.”

    What is a written agreement change form?

    A written agreement change form is a document that`s used to make changes to an existing written agreement between two or more parties. Essentially, it`s a legal document that outlines the specific changes that are being made to the agreement and serves as a formal record of those changes.

    The purpose of a written agreement change form is to ensure that all parties involved in the agreement are aware of and in agreement with the changes that are being made. By having a formal document that outlines the changes, there`s less room for confusion or miscommunication.

    When is a written agreement change form necessary?

    A written agreement change form is typically needed whenever changes are being made to a written agreement. This could include changes to things like the scope of work, payment terms, deadlines, and more.

    While it`s possible to make changes to a written agreement without using a written agreement change form, it`s not recommended. Without a formal document outlining the changes, it`s much easier for misunderstandings to occur, which could lead to legal disputes down the road.

    How to use a written agreement change form

    Using a written agreement change form is a straightforward process. Here`s a step-by-step guide:

    1. Identify the need for changes to the written agreement: Before you can use a written agreement change form, you need to identify what changes need to be made to the existing agreement.

    2. Draft the written agreement change form: The next step is to draft the written agreement change form. This should include all of the details of the changes being made to the agreement, as well as the date and signatures of all parties involved.

    3. Review and approve the changes: Once the written agreement change form has been drafted, all parties involved should review and approve the changes outlined in the document.

    4. File the written agreement change form: Finally, the written agreement change form should be filed with all other relevant documents related to the existing written agreement.


    When making changes to a written agreement, it`s important to have a formal process in place to ensure that all parties involved are on the same page. The written agreement change form is a valuable tool for achieving this, as it provides a formal record of the changes being made and ensures that all parties involved are aware of and in agreement with those changes. By using a written agreement change form, you can avoid misunderstandings and legal disputes down the road.

  • 2022年5月5日


    If you`re looking to improve your writing skills, one area to focus on is mastering subject-verb agreement. This rule plays a critical role in ensuring that your sentences are grammatically correct, clear, and easy to understand.

    To help you practice subject-verb agreement, we`ve compiled a list of exercises that will challenge you and help you improve.

    1. Identifying the Subject

    The key to subject-verb agreement is to identify the subject of the sentence. In this exercise, read each sentence and identify the subject. Then, choose the correct verb form to match the subject.

    Example: The dog (barks, bark) loudly.

    Answer: The dog barks loudly.

    2. Singular and Plural Nouns

    Nouns can be singular or plural, and the verb form that follows must match. In this exercise, read each sentence and determine whether the subject is singular or plural. Then, choose the correct verb form to match.

    Example: The team (wins, win) the game.

    Answer: The team wins the game.

    3. Indefinite Pronouns

    Indefinite pronouns refer to people or things that are not specifically identified. These pronouns can be singular or plural, which affects the verb form that follows. In this exercise, read each sentence and identify the subject pronoun. Then, choose the correct verb form to match.

    Example: Everyone (has, have) a role to play.

    Answer: Everyone has a role to play.

    4. Compound Subjects

    A compound subject is made up of two or more nouns or pronouns that are joined by a conjunction. In this exercise, read each sentence and identify the compound subject. Then, choose the correct verb form to match.

    Example: The cat and the dog (chase, chases) each other around the yard.

    Answer: The cat and the dog chase each other around the yard.

    5. Tricky Phrases

    Sometimes, subject-verb agreement can be tricky when certain phrases are used. In this exercise, read each sentence carefully and choose the correct verb form to match the subject.

    Example: Neither the cake nor the ice cream (is, are) gluten-free.

    Answer: Neither the cake nor the ice cream is gluten-free.

    By practicing these subject-verb agreement exercises, you`ll be able to identify and correct errors in your writing. As a result, your writing will be clearer, more effective, and easier to understand. Keep practicing, and you`ll master this essential grammar rule in no time!
