


Justice Agreement Kosovo Serbia


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The Justice Agreement between Kosovo and Serbia is a highly significant step towards restoring trust and stability in the region. It is the first of its kind and marks an important achievement in the ongoing EU-sponsored dialogue between the two countries.

The agreement was signed in Brussels on 25 August 2015, following several months of intense negotiations. It establishes a framework for the establishment of a specialist court that will investigate and prosecute war crimes and other serious violations of international law committed in Kosovo during the 1998-99 armed conflict.

The court will operate under Kosovo`s legal system, but with international judges and prosecutors, and will be based in the Netherlands. The decision to locate the court outside Kosovo was made to ensure the safety of witnesses and judges, and to protect them from possible intimidation.

The agreement also establishes a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which will be tasked with investigating and documenting the events of the conflict and promoting reconciliation between the communities.

The justice agreement is a significant step towards ensuring accountability and justice for both victims and perpetrators of war crimes committed in Kosovo. It underscores the commitment of both Kosovo and Serbian leadership to move beyond the conflict and to build a stable and prosperous region.

Moreover, the establishment of the court and the truth commission will send a powerful message to other countries in the region that impunity for war crimes and other serious violations of international law will not be tolerated.

In conclusion, the Justice Agreement between Kosovo and Serbia is a crucial step towards achieving lasting peace and stability in the region. It reflects the commitment of both sides to address the legacy of the conflict and to establish a framework for justice, accountability, and reconciliation. We can only hope that this agreement will be the first step towards a more peaceful future in the Balkans.